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Overview of Social Media Class


    Social Media

    Overview of Potential Class/Seminar

    MSSHRM Social Media Class kylemj6977


    I would suggest that this be opened to anyone wanting to know more about social media. The participant could be beginner or intermediate.  I would not suggest marketing this to an advanced level participant as he/she would A/not get his/her ROI and B/would - most likely - be bored.  This would be designed for someone wanting to know more about social media and how to use it for his/her own use or at his/her place of employment.


    This would depend upon how it is marketed and how it would be setup by USM.  I would i magine that it would be longer than ½ day but no more than two days.



    The content would be based on the amount of time allotted for the class.   Facebook, LinkedIn, & Twitter would be discussed regardless of the time.  Also, an introduction would be used that would show the progression of communication over the years.  This would be an ice-breaker type intro which would take you from cave paintings to Pinterest.

    One of the key elements in this would be discussion and interaction with the participants.  The class leader could talk all day but we all know that interaction is fundamental to learning.   I would suggest discussing a social network and then having a class assignment followed by discussion.

    This would be one class where participants would be encouraged to bring laptops, iPads and other tablets along with smartphones by the very nature of social media.

    If time permitted, I would suggest covering the following:

    • Google+

    • Instagram

    • iCloud

    • YouTube

    • Yelp!

    • Foursquare

    • Hootsuite

    • Wordpress

    • Pinterest

    • Stumbleupon



    The above should give you a good idea of what would be included in a social media class.


    Kyle Jones serves as the Social Media Director for Mississippi SHRM. He is the Human Resources Manager at MegaGate Broadband, Inc. and has been with the company since 1996. Kyle was the recipient of the 2012 Spirit of HR Award at the 17th Annual Mississippi Human Resource Conference & Expo. He is an avid fan of Doctor Who and is active across various social networks. To find out more, visit his blog, HR to WHO, at

    Facebook | Twitter | Google + | LinkedIn | Pinterest | YouTube | Quora | Foursquare

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