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    Legislative Reception

    Date: August 6, 2012, 3:30pm
    Rusty Turner / Susan Holland
    East Mississippi Community College
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    Federal and State Legislative Leaders to Address Affordable Care Act’s Future Impact on Mississippi Employers and What to Expect from the Congress and Mississippi Legislature

    “Although the Supreme Court largely upheld The Affordable Care Act, the Act’s implementation at both the state and federal level remains uncertain. At this meeting, you will have an opportunity to hear how your elected leaders at the state and federal level are responding to the Act and what they now know as well as what they can reasonably predict about the future of the Act with both the same and possibly a different political landscape after this November’s election. Interested employers will be provided the opportunity to raise their key concerns and have their questions answered at this meeting.
    If at all possible, you will want to be present to obtain the best and most currently available information on this moving, but all important subject for Mississippi employers.”

    We have set the date for a Legislative Reception in Columbus, MS on the federal and state legislative response to the Supreme Court’s June 28 decision on the Affordable Care Act. It will be August 6 at the Lyceum on the Campus of East Mississippi Community College in Columbus. We will have a reception beginning at 5:30 with the actual meeting and discussion beginning at 6 and lasting until 7. 

    It will be co-sponsored by the SHRM State Council and the Golden Triangle Area Chapter. 

    Congressman Nunnelee (R) represents the First Congressional District and is presently a Member of the House Appropriations Committee. He will address the potential political impact of the November Presidential and Senate elections on the implementation of the Affordable Care Act at the federal level as well as what he believes to be the most likely strategy for the Republican House as it continues to address the effect of the Act on employers.

    Senator Brown (R) represents District 17 of Lowndes County, and was most recently a Member of the Senate Labor, Insurance and Budget Committees. He will address the State’s response to the requirements of the Affordable Care Act, including the implementation of the Health Insurance Exchange and the possibility of the State’s Medicaid expansion at some point in the future to obtain the additional federal funding provided to the State by the Act.

    “You should RSVP to Susan Holland, or Rusty Turner, If you have any questions, you are welcome to call either of them at their respective numbers: Susan: 662-258-3200, ext. 26 or Rusty: 601-965-8159.”

    “Thanks and we look forward to seeing you on Monday August 6." - Rusty Turner